So I know that anger is one of Satan's tools, however at this moment in time I really don't give a flying f*&! I have a lot of anger inside right now and it is making me exhausted.
I am angry at our landlord for the position that he has put us in with this foreclosure. I am angry at Mike because I have to do everything because he will get angry and then tell people off and then they will refuse to help us. Then there is this whole move thing. I have looked at countless apts and houses, however I need someone to go and look at the ones that I have selected and to let me know what they are really like as you can only tell so much from a picture, but the person that I had asked to look at some places that I had selected can't do it now. I called to see is Mike's brothers could possible help fly out here, I would pay for their plane tickets, and I get a song and dance. However when his brother moved back to Vegas they got help.
I have asked several family members that have got nothing going on this summer if they could come out and help for a week or two while Mat is in the hospital. Go figure they have had some stupid excuse as to why they can't help.
Why the fetch am I moving back to be around people that can't be bothered to help us out in a time when we desperately need it.
Maybe I just need to go have a good cry and tell every one to go _______ themselves.
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